Eighteenth-century study offers strength in literary and intellectual history (with particular attention to political and aesthetic theory, gender and sexual politics, philosophy, and the novel); in the emergence of literature and other disciplines, scientific as well as humanistic, and the interrelations between academic and public culture; and in the relations between literary form and legal theory. Faculty and students working in British eighteenth and nineteenth century literature and culture host a joint workshop and frequently share course work, conversation, and research across the overlapping "long" eighteenth and nineteenth centuries (c. 1680-1830 and 1775-1910).
Examples of Courses in Eighteenth-Century Literature
- British Literary Culture 1750-1850 (Chandler)
- Commercial Affects of 18th-Century Britain (Campbell)
- Composing Humans, 1760-1840 (Chandler)
- Empiricism, Ideas, and the Realist Novel (Keenleyside)
- Enlightened Typologies (Chandler)
- Enlightenment Education and Children’s Lit. (Keenleyside)
- Fashion and Change: The Theory of Fashion (Campbell)
- The Lives of Animals (Keenleyside)
- Transformations of Style, Genre, Institution: 1740-1840 (Chandler)
Faculty working in the field of British Romanticism have particular interests in poetry and fiction, Romantic visual culture and its legacy, legal and political theory, the long history of sentiment, consumer culture and urban life, and the special place of the Romantic literary moment in the emergence of historical thinking about human culture.
Examples of Courses in Romantic Literature
- British Literary Culture 1750-1850 (Chandler)
- Frankenstein (Keenleyside)
- Literature, History, and Science: 1750-1900 (Chandler)
- The Literature of Empire, 1750-1900 (Chandler)
- Lyric Forms from Blake to Hardy (Helsinger)
- Narrative Point of View: Theory/Practice, Fiction/Cinema (Chandler)
- Romantic Fiction and the Historical Novel (Campbell)
- The Sentimental (Chandler)